Monday, July 27, 2009

GoiNG to TwIn WiTh My BeSS FrANN..

I had to go to twin to take my CNA test and I made my best friend Taylor go with me. I went and took the test and if you have not heard yet, I PASSED BOTH THE SKILLS AND THE WRITTEN. I am now officially a CNA! We were so excited afterward that we went to my favorite place to eat, CAfe Rio. I now got TAylor addicted to it. It is so good. Of course we were so excited that after we went home we changed our clothes and went and had fun that night. We ended up going to a movie and then getting ice cream after. It was a fun day. The whole day we took a lot of pictures. WE both love to take pictures and be crazy. Nothing like having a best friend who will go with you and just sit outside the room while you have to take an hour long test and then helping you celebrate. Thanks Taylor!!!

1 comment:

Stephens Family said...

That's Aweseome Abbie. CONGRATS! So what are your plans now that you don't have to go to High School?